My eighties look |
today I still have the long hair, but it has receided quite a bit. |
Peter Huender ( Technician in all aspects of theatre one between 1980-87)
I might as well start with myself. When I left theatre One in 1987 I just got married, on the set of "Oliver" and I
wanted to spent more time at home, even though both my wife Cristy and Iwere in the Theatre. I had done theatre for seven
years straight with summer repertory jobs in the off months, so I was overdozed. I dabbled as a artist and craftsman in southwestern
themed stuff without much success and moved to Tucson. After several years we had our fist child on the way and I had to get
a "real job". I started working in lower management at Michaels arts and crafts, and remianed there till we moved to Las Vegas
in 1997. I coninued in retail, even though in the back of my mind I wanted to go and work productions on the strip. Unfortunately
things are a little high tech here, and the tech world had grown more technical and difficult each year I was sidelined. Besides
I had grown into a 9 to 5 person, Uhhh horror. We have two kids Kyle and Cody, are very happy and as much in love as the first
day. I work part time, Cristy works for Westwood Studios, a subsidiary of EA GAMES.I still try art, and spend a lot of time
with my 12 year old as he drives race cars.
You stuck to your dreams....! Congrats!
It is encouraging to hear and see how some of the cast and crew of theatre one productions stuck with the dream to make
acting or technical production their lifelihood. I applaud all of you who stuck to your guns and applied the knowledge you
gained at Theatre one and added to it to make a fine profesional in the field of entertainment.
Below is a list of some of you who stuck to your dreams and made them a relaity. Congratulations.If you know someone
who has continued their dreams please pass on their story to us, so me may add them to the list. If you have updates or find
mistakes within my accounts advise me so I can change them.
Sharon Simmers,
Left COD and continued her studies in Southern Calfornia, soon after she started working behind the scenes on Game shows,
and then on to the soaps. Sharon has been with CBS over fifteen years.
Brenda Holmes,
Brenda dove into technical theatre at COD under the tutilage of Technical Director Bob Smitherman. She learned and quickly
attributed the knowledge to work in every aspect of the theatre that was offered to her. Her kids Renee and Russell also became
infected with the theatre bug, and remain involved in productions. Russel is currently with a "South Pacific" touring company.
Brenda has been with CBS for fifteen years.
John Kirhoffer,
John looked like a footbal player, he was the least likely to find himself in a theatre company, but he had a great time.
He helped in building sets and running the shows, and even got a supporting role in the original play "No Time to say Hello".
He moved later to Southern California where he continued his education and started working building props for Game shows,
but he had a specialty. That specialty soon caught the eye of producers of reality shows. Today John has been a combat advisor
and contest creator for shows like "Combat Mission" and several seasons of "Survivor".
Anne Apra
Anne was a dancer and actress, who i know little about after she left COD, but I have found that she appeared in several
short films and also appeared in roles in feature films, including "My next funeral" ; "True Friends"; "In the Bag"; "Turn
of the Blade"; "Unfocused Reality", and did behind the scenes work on "beethoven's 3rd" and "Shadow warrios". Anne you need
to contact us,please with updates on your life.

This is my life....updates
If you feel it is nobodys business what you have been up to, and we have your bio below, please
let us know and we will remove it.
John Kirhoffer- Actor and Crew 1986-88
John went to San Diego after COD. Currently he is a Combat Advisor for reality shows like Survivor, and Combat Missions.
Michelle Maltais- actress, crew 1980-88
Michelle was a child actress in many productions of Theatre One. She continued into lighting, scenery and props. She
studied journalism, and currently is copy editor and producer at The Los Angeles Times.
Don Weinger (set designer-technical director 1986-89)
Don came to Theatre one from San Francisco, I had worked with Don before at SRT ( Summer Repertory Theatre) Santa Rosa.
Don was an extremely talented designer, and his visualizations have carried on into the movies, including "Shrek" and "Patch
adams" to name a few.
Jennifer Thurston (Actress and crew 1985-89)
Jennifer currently lives in New York, she is Married and has a young son. Currently she is not involved in productions
although her husband is a producer. Over the years she has worked for Pfizer in launching their products.
Mike Hadley (actor & crew 1978-1981)
Mike was involved in many productions at theatre One, and left after Christmas
Is. He joined "Celebration" for some years as cast member and also crew. He has remained busy in the theatrical world , and
is currently employed at COD in the fine arts department, taking care of our old theatre, which he states has had a face lift.
They became the proud parents of their first child this spring.
Doug Hahn (graphic artists)
Longtime friend of Terry and creator of the Theatre One logo has worked his way up in Disney and is now a key character
animator and supervisor.
Andrew Jacobsen and Debbie Warne (musician and actors 1984-87)
Deb and Drew worked in many capacities in Theatre one, and hosted many of the parties. They also found love and got married.
After Theatre one they moved to Sacramento were Deb started one of the first Internet Bookstores..that is till Amazon
came around. Today they live in the woods of Minnesota, close to the nature they cherish. Drew remains a musician and Deb
runs one of the area Internet provider services.
Glenn King and Lisa Powers
Glenn a musician and Lisa a dancer hooked up together in theatre one, and have created a masterpiece of a family based
on art. They have been married for fourteen years, they have four children, two boys and two girls. Glenn works for COD, while
Lisa home schools the two older kids and continues to dance, and aiding Michelle Gaines at COD in dance projects and shows.